Taken by : Andria Loh.
Date : 20th August 2008.
Venue : Sunway Pyramid, New Wing*
Caption : Pet-Sibs je (:
20th August 2008. that day might be the last day i'm going out. cuz lepas ni sudah trials!
and then , spm :s erk. but i'm pretty satisfied and content because i actually spent my time with my beloved petbrother: hakim. haha. funny thing is, he somehow looks like one of my ex; wan azrin. and both of them shares the same age, eyes and.... *evil laugh*. ahaha. but hakim lagi bagus kotttt. hakim oh hakim. hanging out with you is the best moment. honestly, i never been that happy in this particular year. agak weird* unfortunately, we are only petsibs :p i still remember the first time i met him. *wasn't planned at all* cause that time, i was actually accompanying andria 'blind-dating' with this guy la kan. (dnt worry andria i wont expose his name) hahaha. so kita berjalan-jalan and jalan jalan lagi jalan jalan like tawaf-ing the pyramid. gawddd, teman-ing people dating is really a bore. since i was alone that day! haha. okay, then, after a while, my perut sudah lapar mannnn. so we stop by at the secret recipe. after done eating, i went to the counter to pay. after paying, we were heading ermm im not sure la where we were heading . suddenly, *msg-tone ringing* so i opened to read it. it was from Hakim SNIFF. he said : "you dekat pyramid?". in my head was like *how the heck did he know laa?*
so without hesitating i called him..
Eleena: Heyy, kata you nampak i? hahaha*
Hakim: Yeah, i dekat secret recipe tadi. nmpak macam you je, so i text la you.
Eleena: Laa, you dengan siapa?
Hakim: Dengan my parents je.
Eleena: Oh okay, so apa lagi, lepak la jom? :D
Hakim: But i tak lama. pukul 3 dah nak balik.
*that time it was still 2.25pm, i think*
Eleena: Meet up for a while la. Sempat lagi .
Hakim: Okay kejap kejap, i baru order. Lepas makan i datang k. dont worry, i makan cepat2 :D.
Eleena: Alright, bro. Text me where you're done aight.
Hakim: okay!
Eleena: bye bye.
(was something/somehow like that)
Such a relieve. I'm not alone anymore !
then 10-15 mins later, he text : "okay, you dekat mana"
I replied : "Jumpa dekat depan store topshop."
So we meet up. lepak lepak lepak. Haha. by right, i have a movie at that time.(2.45pm; Forgetting sarah marshall). But you punya pasal kan, hakim, i rather spend my time with you
than being in that cinema. anyway, i taknak interfere (andria and Mr. UK ) dating in there.
haha. so hakim and i just jalan jalan around the pyramid. tawaf-ing. but this time, i didnt feel the
boredness. ( haha andria, then only i realize why werent you tired tawafing with UK guy). hehe.
it was already 2.45. so i told hakim..
Eleena: Ey, you bukan kena balik ke dengan parents you sekarang?
Hakim: Ermm, yeah, memang pun.
Eleena: Hmm but i nak you teman i dow. (jokingly said)
Hakim: Oh, boleh. but i kena suruh my parents balik dulu la. then i kena balik sendiri.
Eleena: Laa , kalau macam tu, no need la.
Hakim: Takpe takpe, i suruh my parents balik dulu la. Baik i lepak dengan you je.
*haha terharu okay*
Eleena: Awww so sweet (sarcastically). haha*
Hakim: :)
That day was crazy. Belalang la. in the cinema la. the jokes. and gahhh everthing!
cuz then we took another movie ; Mummy ape tah. just to burn the time.
and then.. ahahaha. ( it's a longggggggg story actually on what happened that day. malas nak cerita(; ) *btw, that was the first time we met okay.* The picture above was actually taken the 2nd time we met, it was even greater - the day :) we actually have more time together. btw, ANDRIA, if you are reading this, please stop thinking what you are now thinking k. haha . cause, please dont get confused, hakim is just my petbrother. so this is nothing sgt la. i guess* aiyo.
but maybe i dgn hakim bagus jadi macam ni je, kan bro? haha. cuz i'm not ready/into this couple2 nor does hakim. its like hakim and i, would rather stay this way. cuz no boundaries.
and we both thinks that if couple2 ni kan, LECEH. cuz, if one breaks up, then the feeling of
closure would not be the same again. so, better petsibs than couple. okay, andria?. (: WE/i can think about that maybe after SPM la yeee. haha. not now. gahhh anyway, that 20th august was
awesome la.
in a nut shell, we or I reeaaaallly had fun that day. (20th august i think). ever since the family problem began, i never been reaally happy and delighted. i was pretty bummed. and unsatisfied with everything. until you came along , brother. i was laughing my ass off the whole day that day. you memang natural born joker la Hakim. Tengok muka you pun i dah nak tergelak. Plus, especially the part where i tricked you saying that the basement ada another mall and store2 clothings. you actually PERCAYA. until laa i pull your hand. hahaha. also the part where you said and TRIED not-talking to me (bcs i selalu kerek dgn you and you selalu membebel like makcik) but tak jadi. lol. You can't even shut up for 1 minute eh. haha. though, it's a good thing to me cuz I do like it . ;) cuz most guys i know, don't talk much. but you do :) sorry little brother, perli you mmg best. cuz the look upon your face when you emo/sulk/wtv la you name it..really adorable&funny :D lol. but sometimes, i give you compliments pun you'd think im being sacarstic. =.= aiyoo. anyway, i still sayang you Bro! :D I'm so so glad to have known you in my life. hopefully you'd love the gift i bought for you! Adik, you really brighten up my day or should i say MONTH :) I love you, brother ;) you're my rockstar <3
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